Thursday, May 21, 2009

Theological Thursdays


"Teach us to number our days carefully so that
we may develop wisdom in our hearts."
Psalms 90:12 (NLT)

So, what does this mean? Well I understood the numbered days part, but how does knowing how long you are going to live help you develop wisdom?

I guess in my mind, I think that if you do not know the Word than you probably are not concerned about getting more wisdom from it. But, when I took another glance, and prayed about it, I developed the wisdom that they are speaking about.

God calls us to Him. He asks us to make time for His Word. We cannot "number our days" only God can do that. But if we knew that our time is limited, would we go about our lives differently? I know if I had been told that I had cancer and only had 3 months to live, that I would try to fit everything I ever wanted to do into those 3 months. God calls us to live as if this is our last day.

We cannot slack when it comes to our faith and be stuck in the "domain of drudgery". When we have walked with the Lord for some time, we tend to get comfortable and slack, procrastinate and get lazy.

God wants us to continue to be in the Word so that we can continue to gain wisdom. He never stops teaching, in fact He tries to teach us in everything we go through and do in our lives.

To God, everything we do matters. If we believe that this is true, than we would have to change our attitude and intentions each morning. Rather than wake up with the intention of just getting through the day, we would have to wake up and ask ourselves, "What will I do today that will have an eternal significance"?

I am NOT a morning person. I never have been. I've tried, but I always come up short (and extremely grumpy). But you give me my morning cups of coffee and the Word and my day is brighter and fuller. On the days that I lack one or the other, you can guarantee that my day will not go as smoothly. I am so grateful that my God gives me new days and a chance to renew my learning process with Him. I am grateful that He tolerates my grumpiness each morning and still talks to me through His Word. I am also so grateful that He knows the number of my days and that He does not share them with me.

"Before I formed you in the womb
I knew you, before you
were even born I set you apart."
Jeremiah 1:5 (NIV)

How much more intimate can it be than for the Creator of all things to know us so personally that He set us apart? Let us make the most of the life we have been given and wake-up refreshed with the wisdom that God cares about every action we make. Let us make the most of our actions each and every day!


More Today Than Tomorrow

The question was asked, this week in my Bible Study, “Do you ever daydream about the moment when you will encounter Jesus face to face?” Well, I guess I was kind of shocked to realize that I really don’t think about that too often. Also, they asked how will you feel and respond? Will you be silent, struck with incredible awe, will you immediately sing praises or will you fall at His feet? These are wonderful questions to think about, but honestly I never take time to think about that. What will I do?

When I study the Word and think of Jesus, I tend to think about what I must do here and now, not what it will be like when here is no more. I think in my mind I wouldn’t know until I got there. But it does bring up a really good point…

What kind of relationship do I have with the Lord? If I have spent an earthly life of intimacy with the Lord, then my response would be much more personal when I actually get there. If do not know the Lord so intimately, like a Father, I cannot come to Him like a child.

They use the verse, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all of your mind.” Matthew 22:37, to show the depth of the love we should have for Christ

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