Monday, March 9, 2009

Great Recipe for Foot Scrubs: Prissy Green

Monday, March 9, 2009

Here are 3 great recipes for Foot Scrubs, I found on Prissy Green. I love making my own, homemade, recipes for scrubs, so I really loved these!

Make It Monday, Foot Scrubs!

Okay Damey Dames! It is nearing sandal season for us northern gals, hush up hussies in the south that have been in them forever! We really don't need to hear it, or we will throw snowballs! 8-)

Here are a few recipes to get your stylin in no time! I know most of us don't have extra cash lying around for pedicures right now so do it yourself! Believe me, I am too picky with my piggies to let anyone else touch them anyways. (I am a total weirdo!)

First always start out by taking a long nice bath, OR by soaking those babies in a tub of warm water filled with 1 cup of ipsom salt for about 10 minutes.

First recipe:
3 tablespoons sugar
3 tablespoons of salt
3 lemons or limes ( crushed just the innards)
1 tablespoon sweet almond oil, lime oil any combination that you like it can be a couple different ones
10-15 mint leaves ( cut up)
1/4 cup baking soda

Mix this solution up and scrub away. I like my feet to to be just damp when i apply, not dry but not soaking either, it lets the scrub really SCRUB, and not just slick off. after you have rinsed off moisturize!

2nd Recipe:
1/4 cup of kosher salt
1/4 cup oatmeal
1/4 cup cornmeal
2 tablespoons aloe vera gel
1/4 cup olive oil
Mix this up and to form a paste and you will have a nice scrub, that will work to exfoliate and moisturize!

1 1/2 cups of sea salt
1/4 cup of sweet almond oil
4 drops of peppermint essential oil
3 drops of lavender essential oil
Mix together and really well! now apply to your feel and really work into the rough spots. make sure you have soaked your feet before hand to really loosen up the rough spots. Make sure you get all the peppermint off your hands before touching your face too! Now make sure after rinsing you moisturize!!

Enjoy! And if you don't feel much like doing it yourself, I love Scrubz. And she has the BEST scent to choose from. And I smell a giveaway pretty soon too.

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